Thursday, 16 October 2014

Making it to minus 50: "The Struggle"

Todays struggle is staying focused on eating healthy. Trust me I am all about eating healthy and clean but when you see that moist piece of cake in the window of your favorite bakery that all goes out the window and you just want to indulge. 

I love food and its difficult for me to just cut carbs or not eat that french fry in front of me. What do you mean a pumpkin spice latte is over 300 calories?! Unfortunately our favorite foods are the ones that have the calories you should consume for the entire day in them.

This sacrificing my favorite foods never sits well with me and a rabbit diet is never fun.... Right?

So how in the world do you stay motivated in a world filled with delicious Starbucks coffee and extra cheesy pizza?

The answer is simple!

Remember what you are doing this for in the first place. Think on what your goals are and when you want to reach them. My husband/ personal trainer always tells me there is no such thing as a "Cheat Day". Diets will never work you have to change your lifestyle.

When I am giving in I always think to the future and dwell on what I want for myself ... then I pick up a piece of watermelon to satisfy my sweet tooth!

Staying motivated can be really tough, especially when you get up on the scale and see no changes or not the progress you had hoped to have. Be strong!! If all else fails look at a swimsuit photo of Beyoncé or a Victoria Secret model. That should get you motivated.

As I struggle through another week I would love to know where you are with your fitness journey and how you are staying motivated! Leave your comments below!

If you are needing a push to get started contact Keith Hinsey at Physique Total Fitness he offers private sessions, group training, and boot camps. He is a NASM Certified Personal trainer, TRX certified, and a weight loss specialist!

You can email for more info and pricing!



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