Monday, 10 March 2014

Spring Cleaning 101

So its that time again. Spring is here and everyone is scrambling around doing their "spring cleaning". For the most part people just clean they way they usually clean just with a little more elbow grease. Two weeks later and we are right back to our pre spring cleaning ways. 

I do spring clean but, I "spring clean" about four times a year. I think I may have OCD but I love to change furniture around, buy organizing products, change the contents of my kitchen cupboards. Trust me it's weird, but I always feel like I get more done and function better when my home is freshly deep cleaned and functional. 

I will be sharing my Spring Cleaning adventure with you but here are a few things  to consider in getting started. 

Where to Start 

We all stand in our homes, look around and think to ourselves ... "oookkaayy so where do I begin?" ... I always start in my Kitchen. This is where I start because the Kitchen is the hub of every home. It's the most frequented area by everyone in the house and those kitchen drawers tend to be the most "junky". After I get done with the kitchen I move clockwise to each space. 

What to Do 

So what is "Spring Cleaning" ? I think everyone's definition of Spring cleaning is different, there is no right or wrong. My Spring Cleaning is a complete overhaul even a few cosmetic touch ups sometimes. Normally I pull out everything, sort through them, throw away what I don't need clean off what I do and find a place for everything. When everything in your home has its place your home tends to stay cleaner. 

What You Need 

For me a good fleet of all purpose cleaners, rags, garbage bags, and boxes do the trick. If I need anything additional I cross that bridge when I get to it. 


So lets do it ladies! Spring Cleaning Time!! I promise at the end we will all feel refreshed and ready to take on the world! 


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