Monday, 10 February 2014

New Year, New Mom ,New Blog!!

I know I'm  little late but HAPPY NEW YEAR!!! It's a New Year and there is so much that I have to share with you all this year! I had beautiful baby boy on December 17th 2013 and although it has its ruff moments, I am enjoying motherhood to the fullest! There are still moments where I am in disbelief that I'm a mom. I look at my baby and think "geesh is he really mine?" "I'm somebodies mommy?? Whaatt in the woorrllddd?!?!" Any new moms out there feel the same way? 

Anywho ...... I am so excited about starting my blog again! I will be sharing all of my daily life experiences with you and I am starting two Vlogs!!! One of my daily life experiences with family and friends and one sharing my journey to loosing 50 pounds! 

I hope you guys keep checking in and share! What's more fun than chatting about babies, beauty, and fashion?? Ummm nothing!!! 

Until tomorrow! 


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